Training Sharing
On December 13rd, G10 Cycling around Taiwan Oath-taking Ceremony opened at 3:30pm through the student representatives sharing the reflection .They shared the anecdotes and difficulties in the four trainings and so on.
Coordinator KK especially played the video of previous trainings and let us review what we experienced.
Shared the experiences
Jason from 11G shared his journey with us. He admitted although this was a hard journey, also did not know what supporting him to stick up, but he hoped that time can stop and really appreciated the days of struggle with students.
Gave speeches
Our superintendent hope that students can record feelings every day which is really helpful in applying for college. Also through this cycling journey they could realize Taiwan's culture and love this city. At last, principal Chuang and president of PTA sent their best wished to all the G10 students.
Staff Introduction
Director Liao introduced all the teachers involved to students. Because during the following 17 days, we are like inseparable family members.
Endow Ceremony
Next, Our principle Victor and the represent from PTA decorated armbands to team leaders. From now on, all the team leader should shoulder the responsibility.
All the G10 students took oaths seriously, and they swear they would behave themselves during the cycling trip. Cycling around Taiwan, We are coming!
The flag presenting ceremony
In the end, our Superintendent Mr.Chang presented a piece of school flag to the student representative. During this trip, we not only represent ourselves but also the whole school.