2016-2017学年第二学期 华东康桥国际学校 行事历 (学生版) |
2016-2017 KCIS Second Semester School Calendar (Students Version) |
WK |
M |
T |
W |
Th |
F |
Sa |
Su |
School Activities 重要行事-国际部 |
WK 21 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
▲1/18-1/20 期末考试 Final Exams
▲1/20 结业典礼 Closing ceremony |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
▲1/23-2/11 寒假 Winter Break |
Feb. |
30 |
31 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
▲1/23-2/11 寒假 Winter Break |
Feb. |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
▲2月主题书展: 寒假推荐书暨西文新书展 February Book Fair:Winter Vacation Recommended Books and Western New Books
▲2/6-2/11 寒假英文衔接课程 English Winter Bridging Camp
▲2/11(六)学生返校日 Back to school day
▲2/12(日)正式开学,周五课程 Second Semester begins. Friday Schedule
▲2/12-2/17元宵猜灯谜活动 Lantern Festival Event: Guess Riddles |
Feb. |
WK 1 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
▲2/13-2/17春季转学生图书馆导览 Library Tour for Transferring Students
▲2/13 志工服务开始 Student Volunteer Service begins
▲2/13 学生发放进阶泳帽 Distribution of Advanced Level Swimming Caps
▲2/14 Achieve 3000段考 Achieve 3000 assessment begins
▲2/15 语言中心G11 SAT公开课程 G11 SAT public class held by the Language Center
▲2/16 宿舍防灾演练 Dormitory Fire Drill
▲2/16 AMC10&12考试 AMC10&12 Test
▲2/17 防灾演练 Earthquake and fire drill |
Feb. |
WK 2 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
▲2/20 高中社团活动开始High School Clubs begin
▲2/20 宣导学生报名参加滴水湖横渡活动 Dishui Lake Swimming Carnival promotion and registration begins
▲2/20 生活竞赛开始 Homeroom competition begins
▲2/21 初中社团活动开始 Middle School Clubs begin
▲2/24 Achieve 3000段考 Achieve 3000 assessment ends
▲2/24 家长开放日(十一年级、十二年级) Open Day(G11、G12) |
Mar. |
WK 3 |
27 |
28 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
▲3月主题书展: 环境教育 March Book Fair: Environmental Education
▲3月 反霸凌主题活动 Mental Health Education: Anti-bully Month
▲2/27状元养成计划各班开课 Program for the gifted students Begins
▲2/27 晚间英文强化班、课业辅导班、角落学习课程开课 ASP Evening Class Begins
▲2/27 晚间托福/雅思课程开课 Evening Classes(TOEFL/IELTS) Begin
▲3/1 11A/11B/11C托福模考 TOEFL Mock test 11A/11B/11C
▲3/17 IB课程选读家长与学生说明会 Introducation to IB Programmes and Admissions Procedure (Parents and Students are Invited) |
Mar. |
WK 4 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
▲3/6-3/10 G10图书馆利用教育 G10 Library Education: How to use the library resources
▲3/7&3/8 地球小博士报名及校内甄选 Selection and registration of " the earth of little doctor" Competitors
▲3/8 11D/11E/11F托福模考 TOEFL Mock Test 11D/11E/11F
▲3/9 G7&G8 综合知识大讲堂 G7&G8"Trivial Knowledge Sharing workshop" |
Mar. |
WK 5 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
▲IBDP G11 Task 1考试周 IBDP G11 Task 1 Assessment Week
▲3/13 7、8年级仪态竞赛 G7&G8 Etiquette Competition
▲3/13 参加滴水湖横渡学生开始长泳训练 Long Distance Swimming Training begins
▲3/15 11G/11H/11I托福模考 TOEFL Mock test 11G/11H/11I
▲3/16 G7中华文化知识大赛 G7 Chinese Cultural Knowledge Competition
▲3/17 家长开放日(七年级、九年级、语言班) Open Day(G7,G9,Pre G9) |
Mar. |
WK 6 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
▲3/20-4/28康桥西游记-一带一路特展活动 KCISEC Journey to the West--One Belt One Road Special Exhibition Activities
▲3/20-3/24 G9图书馆利用教育G9 Library Education:How to use library resources
▲3/22 11J/11K托福模考 TOEFL Mock Test 11J&11K
▲3/22 G10简报设计比赛 G10 Presentation Design Competition
▲3/24 家长开放日(八年级、十年级) Open Day(G8、G10) |
Apr. |
WK 7 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
1 |
2 |
▲3/27-4/1 一人一才艺&游泳期中考 Mid-term Tests(Performing Arts&Swimming)
▲3/28 3月初中生活竞赛月冠军餐会 KCISEC Competition of Discipline and Tidiness Monthly Champion Banquet
▲3/29 3月高中生活竞赛月冠军餐会 KCISEC Competition of Discipline and Tidiness Monthly Champion Banquet
▲3/29 G11雅思模考 G11IELTS Mock Test
▲3/31(五)补上周一课程 Make up day (Monday schedule)
▲4/1 (六)补上周二课程 Make up day (Tuesday schedule)
▲4/1 IB课程报名截止日 Application deadline for IB courses
▲4月主题书展:地球的生物 April Book Fair: The Creatures of the Earth |
Apr. |
WK 8 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
▲4/2-4/4 清明节(放假) Tomb-sweeping Day(Day Off)
▲4/5-4/7 期中考试(不得请假) Mid-Term Tests( Any absence is not allowed)
▲4/7 家委会 PTA Monthly Meeting
▲4/8(六)-4/21(五)G9菁英课程-康桥西游记:一带一路海外教育旅行 G9 Elite Course-Journey to the |
Apr. |
WK 9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
▲MAP测验(十年级、十一年级、十二年级)G10,G11,G12 MAP Test
▲4/8(六)-4/21(五)G9菁英课程-康桥西游记:一带一路海外教育旅行 G9 Elite Course-Journey to the West
▲4/10-4/14 G12图书馆利用教育 G12 Library Education: How to use library resources
▲4/12 G10托福模考(纸笔) G10 TOEFL Mock test(Pen and Paper)
▲4/14 第一届华东康桥毕业生"留爱在康桥二手物品再生活动" The First KCISEC Graduates Event:"Stay in Love with KCISEC, Bring second-hand items into recycling" |
Apr. |
WK 10 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
▲IBDP G11 Task 2考试周 IBDP G11 Task 2 Assessment Week
▲4/17-4/21康桥好读书活动(配合4/23世界读书日) KCISEC Love Reading Books Activities (4/23 Word Reading Day)
▲4/20 G7&G8综合知识大讲堂 G7&G8"Trivial Knowledge Sharing Workshop" |
Apr. |
WK 11 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
▲MAP测验(九年级)G9 MAP Test
▲4/24-4/28 G11图书馆利用教育 G11 Library Education:How to use libarary resources
▲4/24-5/7 母亲节暨校庆书展活动 Mother's Day and School Anniversary Book Fair
▲4/25 管弦乐团课后加练 The Orchestra Extra Rehearsals
▲4/26 中文处G9简报设计大赛 G9 Presentation Design Competition
▲4/28 家长沙龙 Parents Salon
▲4/28-5/19IB五月全球大考 IB Global Test in May |
May |
WK 12 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
▲二手物品回收中心与校庆共同摆摊 Second-hand items recycling center and KCISEC 3rd year anniversary celebration
▲5月主题书展:冒险教育 May Book Fair:Adventure Education (Mountain-climbing, Rock-climbing, Swimming)
▲5/1-5/7 AP 考试 AP Exams
▲5/1-5/7 徽杭古道特展 Hui-hang Ancient Path Special Exhibition Activities
▲5/1 劳动节(放假)Labor Day(Day Off)
▲5/2 校庆美展(至期末)School Anniversary Art Exhibition
▲5/2 管弦乐团课后加练 The Orchestra Extra Rehearsals
▲5/3 11A/11B/11C托福模考 TOEFL Mock test 11A/11B/11C
▲5/6(六) 数学模型大赛 Mathematical Model Competition
▲5/6 第三届校庆 KCISEC 3rd year anniversary celebration |
May |
WK 13 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
▲5/8-5/12 AP考试 AP Exams
▲5/8-5/12 徽杭古道特展 Hui-hang Ancient Path Special Exhibition Activities
▲5/8-5/12 G8图书馆利用教育 G8 Library Education:How to use the library resources
▲5/9 4月初中生活竞赛月冠军餐会 KCISEC Competition of Discipline and Tidiness Monthly Champion Banquet
▲5/10 4月高中生活竞赛月冠军餐会 KCISEC Competition of Discipline and Tidiness Monthly Champion Banquet
▲5/10 11D/11E/11F托福模考 TOEFL Mock test 11D/11E/11F
▲5/10-5/12 六年级徽杭古道 G6 Hui-hang Ancient Path
▲5/12 家委会月会 PTA Monthly Meeting |
May |
WK 14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
▲IBDP G11 Task 3考试周 G11 Task 3 Assessment Week
▲5/17 G11曲艺比赛 G11 Folk art Competition
▲5/20 第一次滴水湖行前训练 The first Training Perparation for Dishui Lake Journey |
May |
WK 15 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
▲5/22-6/16热血三国特展 Three Kingdoms Challenge Camp Special Exhibition Activities
▲5/24 G9托福模考(纸笔) G9 TOEFL Mock test(Pen and Paper)
▲5/24 中文处《与作家有约》讲座 The lecture of "Meeting the Writer" hold by the Chinese Curriculum Department
▲5/25 初中英文演讲比赛 Middle School English Speech Contest
▲5/26 (五)周一课程 Monday Schedule
▲5/26 第一届华东康桥毕业生"留爱在康桥活动" The First KCISEC Graduates Event:"Stay in Love with KCISEC"
▲5/27 (六)上课,周二课程 School Day.Tuesday Schedule |
Jun. |
WK 16 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
▲6月主题书展: 暑假推荐书展 June Book Fair: Summer Vacation Recommended Books
▲5/28-5/30 端午节(放假) Dragon Boat Festival(Day Off)
▲5/31 G12期末考试 G12 Finals
▲5/31 高中英文演讲比赛 High SchoolEnglish Speech Contest
▲6/1"状元养成计划"招生说明会 Students Enrollment Explanation Conference on"The program for the Gifted Students"
▲6/1 G12毕业典礼彩排 G12 Graduation Ceremony Rehearsal
▲6/1 G12毕业典礼 G12 Graduation Ceremony |
Jun. |
WK 17 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
▲6/5&6/6 管弦乐团加练 The Orchestra Extra Rehearsa
▲6/6 5月初中生活竞赛月冠军餐会 KCISEC Competition of Discipline and Tidiness Monthly Champion Banquet
▲6/7 5月高中生活竞赛月冠军餐会 KCISEC Competition of Discipline and Tidiness Monthly Champion Banquet
▲6/7 11G/11H/11I托福模考TOEFL Mock test 11G/11H/11I
▲6/9 家委会月会 PTA Monthly Meeting
▲6/10 第二次滴水湖行前训练 The Second Training Preparation for the Dishui Lake Journey |
Jun. |
WK 18 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
▲6/12-6/14 G8菁英课程-热血三国挑战营 G8 Elite course-The three kingdoms challenge camp
▲6/12-6/13 管弦乐团加练 The Orchestra Extra Rehearsals
▲6/13 学生游泳长泳和期末测验 Long-distance swimming test and Final test
▲6/14 11J/11K托福模考 TOEFL Mock test 11J&11K
▲6/14 G11雅思模考 G11 IELTS Mock test
▲6/16 家长沙龙 Parents Salon |
Jun. |
WK 19 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
▲IBDP G11期末考试周 IBDP G11 Final Assessment Week
▲6/19"状元养成计划"创客班成果发表会 Maker Class Achievements Presentations on "Program for the Gifted Students"
▲6/19-6/23志工时数统计与颁奖 Volunteers Hours Settlement and Awards Giving
▲6/19-6/23 iRead阅读卡统计 IREAD Reading Card Settlement
▲6/19 学生荣誉会期末成果发表会 KCHS Final Report
▲6/19 高中社团评鉴 High school Clubs Evaluation
▲6/20 初中社团评鉴 Middle school Clubs Evaluation
▲6/21 初中社团暨艺文成果展彩排 MS Club and Performing Arts Final Presentation Rehearsal
▲6/21 初中社团暨艺文成果展 MS Club and Performing Arts Final Presentation
▲6/22 高中社团暨艺文成果展彩排 HS Club and Performing Arts Final Presentation Rehearsal
▲6/22 高中社团暨艺文成果展 HS Club and Performing Arts Final Presentation |
Jul. |
WK 20 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
1 |
2 |
▲6/27 6月初中生活竞赛月冠军餐会 KCISEC Competition of Discipline and Tidiness Monthly Champion Banquet
▲6/28 6月高中生活竞赛月冠军餐会 KCISEC Competition of Discipline and Tidiness Monthly Champion Banquet
▲6/28-6/30 期末考试(不得请假)Final Exams (Any Absence is not Allowe
▲6/30(五)结业典礼 Closing Ceremony
▲7/1 放暑假 Summer Break Begins
▲7/1-7/4 管弦乐团集训 The Orchestra Traning |
Jul. |
WK 21 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
▲7/4-7/18维也纳音乐节 Vienna Music Festival Trip |
Jul. |
WK 22 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
▲7/4-7/18维也纳音乐节 Vienna Music Festival Trip |
Jul. |
WK 23 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
▲7/4-7/18维也纳音乐节 Vienna Music Festival Trip |
Jul. |
WK 24 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
▲7/23 暑期课程报到 Back to School Day for Summer Camp
▲7/24-8/18 暑期英文衔接课程 English Summer Bridging Camp |
Aug. |
WK 25 |
31 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
WK 26 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
WK 27 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
WK 28 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
Sep. |
WK 1 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
▲8/28 开学 First day of school
▲学生横渡滴水湖 Swimming Across Dishui Lake |